Sant Namdev Puraskar

The Reason for Starting Sant Namdev Award​
In 1993, we instituted the Sant Namdev National Award for outstanding contributions to the nation in their chosen field of endeavour. Every year, the recipient of the award is by definition only a Punjabi person or people working for Punjabi Community. The award is a sincere token of appreciation by Sarhad and Maharashtra for the work done by the awardee. This is our humble attempt to celebrate the traditional relationship between Maharashtra and Punjab.
“Sant Namdev is an example of our country’s social and communal unity. We felt that a place like Ghuman could give that message effectively” – Mr.Sanjay Nahar of Sarhad
Sant Namdev
Maharashtra and Punjab share a special bond owing to Sant Namdev. The saint is revered in both states. Born in Maharashtra in 1270, Sant Namdev travelled to the north of India and lived in Punjab for 18 years, propagating the devotional doctrines of the Warkari panth. He is also revered in Sikhism and finds mention in the Guru Granth Sahib. Namdev achieved so much prominence, that 61 of his works were included in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of Sikhism. About seven centuries ago, a forest area was settled by Sant Namdev into a village called Ghuman.

” हिंदू अन्ना तुरकू काणा।
  दुहां ते ज्ञानी सिआणा।
  हिंदू पूजै देहुरा मुसलमाणु  मसीति।
  नामे सोई सेविआ जह देहुरा न मसीति।।४।।३।।७।।
 श्री गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब जी – अंग ८७५

The Hindu is sightless; the Muslim has only one eye. The spiritual teacher is wiser than both of them. The Hindu worships at the temple, the Muslim at the mosque. Naam Dayv serves that Lord, who is not limited to either the temple or the mosque. ||4||3||7||
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Ang 875)
Influence of Sant Namdev on Vandemataram Sanghatana
Vande Mataram Sanghatna was established on 23rd March 1984 to create a dialogue between the people of India, especially Maharashtra and Punjab. The idea was to strengthen the feeling of brotherhood between the people. In the 21 peace marches carried out by the youth of Vande Matram Sanghatna in Punjab between 1986 to 1990, the volunteers visited many villages affected by violence. In Ghuman, which was close to the Indo-Pak Border, the volunteers were surprised to find that no youth had taken up arms. On asking around, they were told about the influence of Sant Namdev and his teachings on the villagers making them choose the path of peace and love over violence.. This episode had a profound impact on the young volunteers who understood the importance of upholding the values of Peace and Love to achieve the task of national integration in Independent India.
Influence of Sant Namdev On Sarhad​
The social-reformer poet-saint Sant Namdev made Ghuman his karma bhumi. Since he connected Maharashtra with Punjab, starting the Sant Namdev Puraskar to bring the people and languages of the two states closer was thus a step in the right direction. Celebrating the connections between these two regions is also a way to pay tribute to the saint tradition which is progressive and liberal.
Punjab, which couldn’t be conquered by Alexander using force, was won by Sant Namdev using Love
– Acharya Vinoba Bhave
(Gandhian Social Reformer)